Sunday, 1 May 2011

Living In Denial

“The worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves. We live in denial of what we do, even what we think. We do this because we're afraid.” – Richard Bach

Have you ever been in denial of a problem at some point in your life?

I have just had this revelation thrown to my face recently.

It was a wake-up call.   My calm and peaceful world suddenly shook and I broke into cold sweat on realizing this.

In denial.  That was not even the last thing I would expect myself to be in.  But here I am, guilty.

The problem was there, it had remained there all this time, but I refused to see it as a problem.  I was afraid.  So, I lied to myself.  I pretended that everything is alright.

I realize now that it has grown bigger and what frightens me most is that it would be like moving a mountain to have this problem solved.

I recall that I did try to deal with it when it first surfaced but I didn't manage to get it solved at the time.  So, I subconsciously decided to live with it in the hope that it will just ride out on its own.

Now that the “real” truth has been thrown at my face I must take immediate action and I am determined to see it through no matter how long it takes.

It would not be easy but I will take each day one step at a time.  I will take this on no matter how long it takes and I am determined to win.   This involves saving another person from living a life not to his true purpose.

I have learned that denying that the problem does not exist does not make the problem go away.  We must deal with the problem, at the very early stage.

There are many instances where we can be in denial.  For instance, in a relationship that is starting to fall apart, in a failing business venture, in a weak financial situation, in children displaying problematic behavioral pattern, health issues, etc.  I have learned that the most important step is to acknowledge that there is a problem and to tackle the problem immediately. 

Do you have any issues in your life where you are denying its existence?  It's time to wake up and address the issues right away.  Do something about it.  Seek professional help if you have to.  Stop lying to yourself.

Further reading on Living in Denial:
7 Signs That You're Living in Denial - by Dumb Little Man
How To Stop Living in Denial - by

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