
Tuesday 9 August 2011

Six Stupid Things People Do to Mess Up Their Lives

( The link on the picture is not working, so click here
for the link to the free chapter.)

"If you want to be successful and live your dreams, do one thing.  You have to discover and uncover life purpose." Jonathan Figaro

This is an ebook written by 23-year old, Jonathan Figaro, from Brooklyn.  Don't let his tender age fool you.

Jonathan Figaro is indeed a great story-teller.  He has a casual and easy style of writing with a sense of humor that got me hooked from the beginning with his "Try and steal this and I will find you" threat. I just knew that I will have some fun here.

This is a self-help book, written with such great insight and wisdom, with doses of humor thrown in.  Never a dull moment. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen and eager to gulp it all quickly like a person thirsting for a cool quenching drink on a hot, summer day.

What are the six stupid things people do to mess up their lives?  Briefly:
  1. Having a negative attitude.
  2. Not believing in the possibilities and not believing in themselves.
  3. Fear of failure and not taking action.
  4. ...
Well, I have listed only three here so as not to spoil your fun.  You can read a sample of the story here just to have a taste of what I am talking about.

The author has weaved in many interesting and personal anecdotes in his writing with a list of "stupid" principles to follow.  The word "stupid" is not to be taken literally but as a way to grab your attention.  His imagination is refreshing.  This book is easy to read.  It has an honest message and simple truths.  The subject is serious but Jonathan has made it sooo cool!

You can also read Alex Blackwell's review of this ebook, Six Stupid Things People Do To Mess Up Their Lives here.

In my humble opinion, this ebook is terrible ... terribly awesome!

Get this cool ebook from Jonathan Figaro's site here and read the full story.   I just know for sure that you will enjoy reading it as much as I did.  And, it's a book that I will read again and again for quite some time.



  1. Thank you for giving my book such an awesome review. It means a lot to me. I truly appreciate it Asni. I'm happy you loved the book!!!

  2. Hey Jonathan,

    Thanks for dropping by. You have a gift and you must share it with the world.

  3. Great review. I look forward to reading he book soon! And I always enjoy visiting your blog.

  4. @ Galen- Thanks for stopping by. I can't wait until you read it.

    @Inspiring Always- Much LOVE.

  5. Hey Galen, Thank you for visiting and your kind words. You will enjoy this book, I promise.

    Just visited your blog - you have a great blog there!

    Much love to both you and Jonathan.
